Someone1 once said, charity is a quick-fix method for people to clear a dirty conscience. Charity is for the mentally weak who have been told that they must part with their hard earned wealth because it is the "right thing" to do.
And to the fucking idiot that even thinks about giving me the wealth, materialism and their fleeting existence and irrelevance to the "cosmos" bullshit; type your comment after you quit your job, donate all your money, sell your house/car, donate your computer, travel to sub-Saharan Africa and live off the land. Until then, shut your pie hole.
And if you are oh-so-brilliant and want to bring up how you won't be able to comment if you donate your computer/move to sub-Saharan Africa; that's the idea Einstein.
I saw this coming. I just know you too well now. And because of that very reason, I'm not even going to bother.
frnd,do not say lke is good.brings us closer to god and we will get blessings.
@Anonymous: Wow! You really haven't read my blog, have you? I am an atheist. I wouldn't be surprised if you don't know what that is, so to make it easier for your feeble mind; Atheists are people that believe there is no god, don't believe in god, or think there is no need to have a belief in a deity.
And if your reasons for being charitable are that you will get blessings, that seems greedy. But, that seems to be the pattern among the charitable, so I cannot say I am surprised.
frind, u r very bitter and it will be better for u if u did not say things lke tht.
try reading geeta or bible or kuran, u wll see god is real and u will realise blessings are good and only for those who have good in thr hart.
also, i know what atheist means. but it is not good to b atheist
@Anonymous: You just make me laugh. I hope you are one of my dumbass friends thinking they are oh-so-funny, because someone like you is just too pathetic to be real.
frind, u r again and again bein mean and deviating from topic.
u should accept others beliefs only then others will respect u. understand that first.
u don't need to say sorry but atleast understand that u r mistaken
You being a dumbass is very much on topic.
And, I don't need people like you to respect me. People like you can only respect that which does not threaten your pre-conceived notions.
So before I turn off anonymous commenting, do everyone else that comments here anonymously a huge favor, and go donate that computer you are using. Or do you not know how to read?
Aww, Baggie! I know how to read.
He he, gotcha! :D
I had a feeling it was you. I said so too... sort of.
I was just too lazy to find out who it actually was. Better things to do and all...
The highest exercise of charity is charity towards the uncharitable...yes?
If you look into the origin of the quote, it originated from a particular Rev. J.S. Buckmin(s)ter. Not exactly the best idea to try to convince me with a quote by a "man of god", wouldn't you say? And with that name?
Correct Sir...knowing you as I do..that was quite the wrong tree to bark up :)I didnt do my research properly enough...had I only known..
Isn't this idea taken from Ayn Rand? Just curious...
Yes it is.
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